
29 April 2011


I was one of the freaks who woke up at 2 AM to watch the "Royal Wedding" for 6 hours.

This is how lame I am: I had my alarm set, but I kept waking up every hour because I was so excited. That is so weird! I am weird. But I laugh about it now. Oh well, it was fun to see what all the hype was about and be the first to catch a glimpse of Kate's surprise dress.

It brought me back to my wedding and reminded me of how special eternal marriage is. I definitely found a prince.

I had to show a picture of our cake. The woman who made it competes on TLC's cake wars!


Monica and Whitney said...

So, so pretty.

Ask the Duplex

Reece and Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh!

First...Had I known that I could watch the royal wedding online, I WOULD HAVE TOO! I am so jealous! lol. I hope they show a rerun of it.

Secondly...Your wedding cake is AMAZING!!! Seriously, incredible!

Andrea Stevenson said...

Yeah for eternal marriage! Love your pictures-especially your cake. Gorgeous!! Lovin all of the hype for the royal wedding:) So adorable


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