
23 April 2011


A table of chatty women take turns asking each other questions. Everyone sits in fear waiting for their turn. After 10 minutes, I'm up. My mind goes blank.

Jennifer: "What makes you laugh/cry?"

Me: "My baby!"

Nancy: "What are you most proud of?"

Me: "Um, my baby."

Celeste: "What is your most prized possession?"

Me: "My . . . baby . . . ?"

Here is perhaps the most boring scene I have ever been a part of. The blame rests on me. I can't count the number of get-to-know-you activities I've participated in where I stumble around words to come up with a witty and revealing answer about myself. You'd think I'd jot down some ready responses for moments such as this.

But, this time was perhaps the worst of them all. My baby took up 80% of my answers.

Isn't it a given that my baby is the answer to all of these questions? Of course every mother would respond that her baby is the prize in life, and the interviewers surely know this.

I failed to remember who I am alongside of being a mother. Although motherhood is entwined with who I am, I have individuality that needs nurtured as well.

What I wish I said:

"I cry every time at the end of You've Got Mail. My husband and brother make me laugh."

"I'm proud that I went to BYU and earned my Bachelor's Degree in 3.5 years. I'm proud that I seek learning daily."

"My most prized possessions are my journals."

I think it's important for my children to know that their mother has goals, skills, and talents she is developing throughout her life along side of motherhood. My talents will help me be a better mother, so it's vital that I keep growing and remember I once was a teenager with strong favoritisms and passions.


La Esposa said...

You are just too cute Ms Ashley. I couldn't agree with you more.

I wish I was better about writing in my journal, so thank you for the indirect motivation =)

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