
12 April 2011


*Caution: Pictures below are rated PG due to messy content*

A few weeks ago baby went through a spitting phase with her food. After trying every distraction in the book, I learned that when I sang to her, she would actually swallow her food.

This morning as I was feeding her and singing ("I like bananas, you like bananas, we like bananas" . . . my made up songs are super creative, but "Wheels on the Bus" has worn out its welcome here) she began to talk (gibberish) with her mouth full, which proceeded to drooling, which proceeded to spitting.

Back at square one! Maybe she just couldn't resist that funky feeling of half-chewed yogurt dripping through her solitary bottom tooth.

She is one silly girl.


Alison said...

So cute! Love your new blog!

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