
05 July 2011


I have come to the conclusion that Luella is starting to think my name is "dada." Rarely does she ever say "mama" anymore.

Brett told me when I left the room once Lulu was looking around for me and saying, "dada?"

This made me a little sad, but then I noticed the problem extended into her other vocabulary.

When we take a picture of her and tell her to "say cheese," she does her little face, then says, "dad!" (in a high pitch voice sounding much like the chipmunks.)

Before we hand her something she wants we say, "say please" and she says, "dad" in an even higher octave than we knew existed.

This occurs with other random words. She just must love her daddy or something.


Reece and Lindsey said...

HAHA! That is so funny! Jaden does the same thing! EVERYTHING is dada! It is hilarious!

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